Essential Actions #4-#6
Let’s continue on our examination of the 15 Essential actions as noted by Colorin’ Colorado. This week, we will examine the second three actions a little more closely. 4. CONNECT language and content to make learning relevant and meaningful for ELLs. In order to help students learn the key vocabulary, make sure that the words are highlighted and clearly focused on as an important part of the lesson. We want the students to learn the meaning and usage of specific words to complete tasks in the classroom. Moreover, we can help the students visualize the words with images or realia that will help engrain the words in the mind of the student. For example, in chemistry classes, we need students to understand the difference between a flask and a beaker and a graduated cylinder. These items can be (a) drawn on the board, (b) passed around and handled in class, (c) given as images on a study sheet, and (d) used in basic experiments to teach the different usages. Making repeated associ...