Language Experience Approach
Language Experience Approach Definition: An activity in which a student’s oral (or written) telling of an experience is used as the text for demonstrating the process of revision as well as other aspects of reading and speaking. Purposes: To provide a personal connection to the learning To identify different perspectives To identify weaknesses in verbal communication To instruct revision practices Example A (Individual): Step 1. The students participate in a shared experience BEFORE this activity (e.g., a field trip, making a group diorama for a class, preparing a bulletin board or skit in class, etc.) NOTE: Basically, any group project can be used as this “shared experience”. Step 2. The student should recall the experience orally, while the instructor records the experience in writing. (Variations can include asking the students to write down their own first draft.) Step 3. Ask questions and provide suggestions for revision. Coax the studen...