Greetings, visitors!

ELL Refresher is a blog dedicated to aggregating strategies and information regarding ELL instruction.

I am an ESL Specialist, and currently an "ENL Teacher" in Indiana. This website has been designed as a resource for instructors at my school. However, I wish to open it up to anyone else who might need new ideas in providing services for ELL students in their classrooms. My goal is to help you feel more confident about how you teach and interact with ELL students.

Technically, I follow the concept of Universal Design. If a technique helps an ELL, then it will probably help other students with similar issues, such as vocabulary development or spoken clarity. Therefore, feel free to use these strategies in classrooms without ELL students. Many of your kids might benefit.

If you have any comments, questions, or ideas that you would like to share, please feel free to leave a comment below, or you may email me:

Thank you!

J. Thomas McAlister, PhD


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