Essential Actions 10-12

In the penultimate post regarding the 15 Essential actions as noted by Colorin’ Colorado, we will examine the fourth set of three actions.

10. IDENTIFY the language needed for functional use in teaching and learning.
In preparing lessons for classes, it is important to know what vocabulary is necessary for participating in the activities, lectures, readings, and projects. When compiling a list of vocabulary, keep two lists in mind. The first list are words that you want to teach and test. These words are important for the class, here and now.
The second list is what we as teachers hope the students can use and understand. This list includes key words for talking about the subject matter, words we assume the students learned in the previous classes, general terms that are commonly used in our discipline. When working with low level students, teaching the vocabulary of both lists is valuable. For more proficient students, only the first list should be needed.
11. PLAN for language teaching and learning around discipline-specific topics.
Even though you are not a language teacher, you are a language teacher. Teaching IN English means that you are teaching English. The concepts are taught with words in the English language, and sometimes, we have to teach our students what how to appropriately respond. Therefore, including a vocabulary lesson for the students will be of great help.
Prepare for that inevitable blank stare of misunderstanding and lack of communication. Incorporate a bit of language learning as part of the experience of learning. Be vocal guides when explaining the steps you wish the students would take.
12. USE instructional supports to help scaffold language learning.
Telling teachers to scaffold learning may sound like beating a dead horse. However, often some students need that reiteration of those essential learning. Moreover, taking a slow step-by-step approach. Start with building the background knowledge. Then move to more specific language oriented towards your lesson.
Just remember that teaching in the language means you will have to teach the language sometimes.


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