Teach the Text Backwards

Teach the Text Backwards

Definition: A technique for sequencing the class structure in which the application of the concept occurs before the discussion or learning about the concept.


  • To increase reading comprehension
  • To develop background knowledge
  • To highlight future concepts
  • To highlight future vocabulary

 The order of operations for this technique are as follows:

  1. Begin with an application activity--usually textbooks suggest activities to ask the students to do after they have learned the content. By providing the activity first, we are giving the student a concrete, relatable experience to reference during future lessons.
  2. Introduce concepts during the activity--provide the vocabulary while doing the activity. Mention the main concepts during the activity. Let there be a multi-modal connection to the content.
  3. Discuss the concepts of the vocabulary--have students talk/write about their experiences and how the concept relates to it.
  4. Have the students read the question at the end of the text--the students can try to answer based on their activity experience and the concept discussion.
  5. Have the students read the textbook--by this point, the students should have enough new vocabulary to get the main gist of the chapter and its major concepts.

Example, a lesson on the Great Depression:

  1. Have students use photos and prepared textboxes to make a timeline of presidents and major events leading up to the Great Depression.
  2. Discuss these presidents and events, focusing on the interconnectedness of everything that occured.
  3. Highlight important vocabulary for the chapter with the students, referencing the timeline.
  4. Have the students read and guess answers to the questions at the end of the chapter. 
  5. Assign the chapter reading.

Don’t forget to follow-up the lesson with review and more practice.

 *From: J. Jameson’s From Theory to Practice, no 7., for more: https://calabretta.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/j-jameson-teaching-the-text-backwards.pdf and http://archive.wceruw.org/ccvi/Staff/home/beglinger/prf/Teach%20the%20Text%20Backwards.pdf


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